While it is dreary and snowy, many a daydream has centered on the wonders and comforts of a warm summer's day. Others find the careful planning of the summer season to be a fine consolation to being kept in. What keeps me in high spirits is the careful planning and dreaming of a summer wardrobe and the accessories to accompany it.
I have acquired over the holiday season a book that has become a great deal of joy to me as well as information. I received "English Fashions of the Nineteenth Century" by C. Willett Cunningham (no relation to our own Mrs. Cunningham).
While this particular volume has many different styles and over 1000 illustrations of various fashions. The first chapter in particular is of interest to people enamored of the regency and federalist era.
Here are a few peeks at the fashion plates from this wonderful book:

I hope that these are inspiration for hats and fashions for the delights of picnics, promenades, carriage rides and any number of pleasurable country diversions.
Your Humble Servant,
Mrs. N. Azevedo