The ORS Organizing Committee had a meeting this past weekend to put together a selection of events that will keep the Regency Obsessed happy for months. :) We also fine-tuned our plans for the Winter Ball in Astoria on November 3rd; which is going to be an elegant affair. The Masonic Temple in Astoria is a beautiful historic building with a large, imposing ballroom. It has exactly the ambience we were looking for when we decided to organize the ball. Astoria is one of the oldest settlements on the west coast, and has a host of historic sites for visitors to explore. There will be plenty to do if ballgoers decide to make it a weekend. Astoria, a beautiful coastal city, sits on where the columbia river meets the pacific, and the region has some amazing sights, including the longest uninterrupted beach in the world.
We will have a string trio to play our music on the night of the ball, and the ORS will be providing English Country Dance lessons the morning of the ball for those who have little to no experience with ECD. There will be a magnificent buffet of delicious food, whist tables, tea, a silent auction, on-site photography and more. Don't miss this event!!! Please get your tickets early, for it will determine whether or not you are included in the meal. Go to the site for carpooling ideas, costume tips and more.
There will be a tea held on the Friday prior (November 2nd) at half-past two at the Windsor House of Tea. Please reserve your ticket to the tea, availability is limited.
During October, we will also be holding a workshop or two to help members construct their costumes. If you have tips or you can hold your own workshop, let us know! Making a costume, retrofitting modern clothes to look Regency, turbans and hair, fans and accessories; we're always looking for experts! October will also have us participating in the "Keep Portland Weird Festival" at the Central Library in Portland. This will be on the 20th.
December will feature our first Pride & Prejudice A&E miniseries (1995) marathon! This is an extremely informal non-costume event; where you will bring your own snacks and refreshments, come clothed comfortably, and sit with a pack of Regency enthusiasts to watch our favourite adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, and swoon collectively over the deliciously broody Mr. Darcy (Firth).
January; More workshops! Why? Because February is going to play host to our Lovers' Tea Party; possibly at the Ainsworth House & Gardens again--details to be announced.
So that's the rundown so far. If you have any questions or suggestions, we are always available.